Discover the wonders of one of Adobe’s brilliant photo editing software Photoshop Elements. We’ll provide you with the instruction and images you need; make sure to bring your laptop (with software pre-loaded-The trial version is OK)
The class covers
Learning the Workspace
- Quick vs Expert Vs Guided Modes/Overview of the Options Panel
- Overview of the Tools in the Tool Bar
- Basic Cropping and Rotating/Flipping Images
Editing Your Images Part One
- Fixing Exposure Problems/Fixing Colour and White Balance Problems
- Altering Brightness and Contrast on The entire or Part of the image
- Converting Colour images to Black and White
- Using the Built-in Art Filters for Cool Effects/Making Panoramas
Editing Your Images Part 2
- Choosing Specific Areas of an image to Enhance
- Moving People from one image to another
- Merging Photos together to choose the best bits of both!
- What are Layers, and how can we use them?
- Using Layers to create calendars, prize presentations, and Magazine Covers
Please note, as a policy, Alwyns Photo School has NO minimum numbers to run a class. Every student is important and we will not cancel a class due to low numbers.